Trump Knows You Can’t Buy Loyalty.

Most of Donald Trump’s fans started out as Republican loyalists and faithful Fox News followers. At least, until the Grand Old Party games started. It soon became clear that Trump was the Donkey and everyone was taking shots at pinning the “tale” on him. Attacking Donald Trump didn’t go as planned, however, and, instead of walking away from The Donald, his supporters walked away from John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Rick Perry, the GOP, Fox, and, even America’s Sweetheart, Ms. Megyn Kelly.

People have been amazed that Trump’s numbers rose after making a comment about McCain, a war hero. If you’re engaged in the mania for bashing Trump’s supporters, John McCain calling Trump’s fans “crazies” seemed perfectly fine. It seemed like a logical statement. 

Trump didn’t agree and the fur flew. Pundits smirked and declared he’d messed up BIG TIME.

But they were wrong.

Instead of being mad at Trump for attacking a POW, people extrapolated the reality and they clearly saw Trump defending himself and, by extension, his innocent supporters. Trump didn’t cave. He didn’t bow to political correct politeness. He didn’t let that War Hero status intimidate him. Trump attacked. He attacked because what McCain said about perfectly fine Americans was flat wrong. There was no excuse for McCain's slur.  

Trump’s numbers rose because the American people had collectively realized that, finally, someone had their back. Trump went after the guy that attacked them. Outside of the military, who does that? Nobody! It was amazing and the people were honored! Particularly Veterans who can’t get decent services, especially medical care. Yet, McCain has been a member of the Armed Services Committee for many years. Trump didn't much care for the way that tasted. 

Trump’s actions spoke MUCH louder than his words. His actions SHOUTED because he went to bat for the people. The people responded and became loyal Trump fans. You can’t buy that no matter how many donations you get.

It was a great feeling to know a guy with a lot of power would do that for regular folks. Politically, Trump risked everything. It could have all crashed like the pundits predicted. He risked that for a bunch of "crazies."

What Trump did was show the watching world that he believed in himself and he believed what he was saying. He is the ONLY guy in years to risk everything just to go to bat for simple, everyday Americans. He said he could make America great again and he was willing to fight the first guy that said otherwise. He risked everything. He risked looking like a fool and for a man like The Donald, that's a big deal.

So, when he laid it all on the line, America realized that this audacious, pushy, pugnacious, cocky man would stand up to ANYONE for this country. For them! For once, they actually mattered to someone at the top of the food chain. 

Plus, he is the ONLY candidate to put his money where is mouth is. That means a lot.
The rise of Bernie Sanders along side of Trump illustrates that both parties are sick of their entrenched and blind leadership. We want someone fresh and innovative. On this Democrats and Republicans agree: No more dynasties. Not another Clinton and not another Bush.

For far too long, it’s felt like it was Us against Them. It’s felt like no one was listening as "they" sought to run the world into the ground. The only voices allowed were the ones media let through and those voices had to fit an agenda.

The pundits think Trumpkins are furious people and, to a degree, they’re right. Yet, the bigger reason is that is Trump listened when no one else did and, then, Trump stood up for us.

America is completely aware that he’s considered bombastic by the “experts” but the experts don’t see what we see.

Whoever he has been in his past doesn’t matter any more. Life is not stagnate. Everything grows or it dies. Trump may have been a truly repugnant youth, funded Democrats, or changed his views but who he is TODAY is what matters. We also know that a person’s actions speak louder than words. We’ve learned that very well in the last 7 years. We know that the kindest souls can hide behind a surly scowl and that the smoothest speaker can hide a depraved mind.

Donald Trump stood up for America when he called out John McCain. Sure, it looked off hand and ill-considered as it played out on TV but his fans knew otherwise. Trump spends time loading his brain with information and strategy. It might look off hand. But it's not. The guy is smart.

So, the man who can buy almost anything couldn't buy a shred of our loyalty but he certainly earned it. The Establishment GOP and Democrats have tried wheedling, attacking, insulting, lying, and smearing but no matter how hard they try, THEY will never buy our loyalty and they will never buy us. Not anymore. 

Unlike the GOP,  Democrats, "good journalists" and pundits, Donald Trump, standing alone and enduring vitriolic attacks from all sides, appears to know that America is not for sale.  

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