The Truth about Trump.

Who is Trump?

Many people make many negative claims about Trump. The right and the left have tried to smear him and his voters. They cite his bankruptcies. They say he's racist. That he's a bigot. A Misogynist. It's all a mythology to hide the truth about Trump. Because the truth paints a very different picture.

Mr. Trump was designated “The Developer of the Year” by the Construction Management Association of America and “Master Builder” by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreational & Historic Preservation. In June 2000, he was honored as “Hotel and Real Estate Visionary of the Century”, given by the UJA Federation. Trump is a member of the Board of Directors for the Police Athletic League. He's also a Board member of United Cerebral Palsy. Mr. Trump also serves as Co-Chairman of the New York Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Fund. In the August 2006 issue of BusinessWeek magazine, Donald Trump was voted by their readers, as “The World’s Most Competitive Business Person” and voted by the staff and writers of BusinessWeek as one of the “Top 10 Most Competitive Business People on the Planet.”

BUT...wait! Many people worry that Trump went bankrupt FOUR times! 

Many people cite Trump's bankruptcies as a valid excuse for not voting for him but it isn't.
Here's an article from legalzoom about the bankruptcies Trump filed.
An article on Legalzoom
Here's an article about what happened in Atlantic City that CAUSED the problems with all the casinos there. The casino problem was really due to Chris Christie but you've never heard Trump attack him or lay the blame on him.

WHY is Trump Running?

A long-range thinker is someone who can project himself or herself into the future and see the present as if it were the past. They can then determine the best path forward and obtain the best history possible. It sounds harder than it is but it’s sort of like a drone overview of time, instead of a landscape. Donald Trump is a long-range thinker. He sees the big picture.

He’s also an alpha male. These creatures are natural born leaders. By the way, an alpha male is not automatically a misogynistic male. Look at any wolf pack to understand the concept of the alpha male.

Trump has been very successful and almost everything he touches becomes successful. The press likes to focus on the few failures but if they focused on his incredible number of successes, they’d need to spend far more time on Trump than they already do. To simplify. The man doesn’t like to fail. He doesn’t like to lose.

Donald Trump is also 69 years old. If he wins the Presidency, he’ll be 70 when he takes office. When people get older, they naturally think of the time they have left. They want to leave a legacy behind them. Something more than a coat of arms and some dusty stories of an old ancestor. 

Connect the dots and you can see a possible motivation as to why this man has come out of his safe, elegant, and golden world to stand on the podium while little snips like Megyn Kelly take pot shots at everything he’s ever built and everything he’s ever said. He’s elected to face constant ridicule, derision, and insults from the entire world.


He has a loving family, a successful business, and enough leisure time to travel and enjoy his life in the best places the world has to offer. He has no need to take any crap from anyone. He has no need to make any more money.

So, what could POSSIBLY be his motivation?

People and pundits accuse him of wanting to play King of the Hill but I believe they’re wrong. I believe that The Donald wants to be written into our history books as one of the best presidents America has ever had. (Doesn’t that sound like The Donald?) I believe he wants to join the ranks of Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, JFK, and Ronald Reagan.

If I’m correct, it is the American people’s guarantee that The Donald will do everything in his power to truly make America a great nation again. He won’t fail us. He hates to fail.

Who doesn’t want America to be great?  The entire world would be worse off than it is now if America falls any lower. So we can all agree that America should be a great country. 

Which brings us back to Donald Trump. An alpha male on a long-range mission to leave an amazing legacy. It’s not just his children that will benefit. This is for everyone’s children. This is for you.

It makes perfect sense. 

The Donald is making history, my friends, and the cool part is you get to be part of it.  We are living in exciting times. So, join the parade and become one of the people on the right side of history. If he wins and accomplishes his goal, Trump will go down in history as an outstanding  man who restored America's honor and traditions.

Print and preserve the pictures, get an official hat, and keep the campaign memorabilia in a safe place. One day, your great, great, grandchildren will be proud that you stood with one of the most amazing men in American History.

Trump's Thin-Skin is a crafted misconception.

For years, the Right has complained about the Mainstream Media. Most average citizens can detect our constitutionally protected press has severely degraded since Walter Cronkite’s days. (Cronkite retired in 1981 and passed away in 2009.)

In fact, back in the early 80’s, there were over 50 reputable news outlets. Those companies had to compete to produce the best work; they had to earn their viewers’ attention. Now, there are only 6 mega-companies. These huge companies control 90% of what we see, hear, and learn in our country. They control our movies, our TV, Newspapers, and even our radios. Our computers, apps and schoolrooms are soon to be added to the list of controls. The big gang of 6 includes Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp and Fox News, run by Roger Ailes. 

Yet, looking closer, it gets smaller than 6. One of the entrenched players in our media is a company called Kingdom Holding Company. This is a publicly listed Investment Holding company from Saudi Arabia. The media investment arm is known as Rotana Group. Kingdom Holding is 30 years old and is owned by Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal bin Abdulaziz alSaud. Time Magazine once labeled him the Arabian Warren Buffet. Fox News owns a 19% stake in Rotana Group. Rotana group also has in its portfolio: Time Warner, News Corp, Apple, and Twitter.

It's clear. Our TV, Radio, Newsprint, and even our phones, tablets, and twitter accounts aren’t “just” ours.

Another few facts about Fox’s parent company: In 2011, News Corp started an “independent” subsidiary company called Amplify. In 2013, Amplify was awarded $12.5 million (tax) dollars from the Federal Department of Education through a $175 million grant given to a UCLA Consortium to "provide a library of digital tools to help students and educators." These are apps and tablet games to help transition our children into Common Core. News Corp issued a press release on September 30th 2015 stating that they have sold Amplify to private investors for an undisclosed amount.

News Corp also owns the top newspapers on 3 continents: The Wall Street Journal, The Sun, and The Australian. In 2010, News Corp avoided paying $875 million dollars in taxes.

In 2004, a documentary called “OutFoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism” was sponsored by Of course, Republicans tend to ignore anything that starts with “War On…” or is sponsored by Move On.
The documentary, however, pointed out a very solid point. It demonstrated how the Heads of Fox send down a “message of the day” and that message will get repeated hundreds of times during the day. This sort of repetition is a propaganda technique.

The more times Fox News calls Donald Trump a thin-skinned, crybaby then the more the viewers will believe it’s a fact.

Except it's not a fact. It’s propaganda generated because Trump is a threat. Is it any wonder they call Trump names? Now, too, it makes better sense when Trump issues seemingly random statements about reducing tax money spent at the bloated Department of Education.

Donald Trump isn’t Thin-Skinned. He is underscoring an action. He’s single-handedly offering to take down the biggest players that control your constitutionally protected right to freedom of information. He’s playing the Media like a maestro. He’s using his arrogance, outrageous statements, and bigger than life personality in a brilliant move to get the Media to PAY for his messages to you.

In those hyped media sound bites, he “arrogantly” points to Governor Perry and Governor Walker, who left the race. Trump “brags” that the rest of the candidates have dropped in the polls. Trump “crows” over his poll number results frequently.

Some people believe what they are told and they see him see him acting like a child. The rest of America sees him issuing a warning directly to the media bosses. He gives them a wicked side-eye that says, “It’s going to cost you.” In the face of this, Fox News has blinked first on two occasions and the rest of the media outlets are, largely, providing fair coverage. The Donald has them ALL toeing the line. Something our media hasn’t done in years.

Trump is leading in the polls because the majority of people see that these are the ACTS of a President. The leading candidate IS acting Presidential. Anyone who has been burned by a sweet talker knows that actions speak MUCH louder than words. Trump’s not being hateful; he’s not acting like a toddler. He’s not being a brat that doesn’t get his way.

He’s sending the voters a message.

They’re so used to being spoon fed, however, that many find it hard to look past his verbiage. It helps to be a Long-Range visionary to understand what Donald Trump is doing, But when voters manage to see past their own mind, or party preferences, or neighborhood walls, they can hear Trump’s message.  

Trump is showing the American people that he WILL protect them. He will protect our shores. He will protect our way of life. He will protect our schools. He will protect our families. 

We will not go off to war for no reason but if anyone one hits America, we WILL counterpunch. The least little hit will be immediately dealt with, and, further, any detractor will not win a chance at many more punches. (example: Governors Rick Perry  and Scott Walker) 

When he brags that he'll be the best Job President, he's promising Americans will be prosperous again. All of them. The media-generated segregation between race and genders will end because prosperity is a benchmark of Unity. America will, once again, lead the free world. We will regain our credit standing and our Rosie the Riveter/Made in America way of life. Because, we DID make that and we CAN make it again.

Despite the steady stream of dishonest information, Donald Trump’s core message says America will preserve the shining light in her harbor for generations to come but not at the expense of her Justice and her Laws. Yet, the door will stand open and the American Dream will not die. Many Hispanics have already realized that America’s respect for them will soar if the process to gain legalization is earned, not stolen.

Donald Trump is showing you that’s it’s not just a pretty speech or the proper words that matter. He will take the hits, the punches, and degradation heaped on his plate. And, unlike Obama, he even will do it for those that don’t understand or like him. It’s a matter of honor to a man like Trump, because he’s promised that he will do everything he can to protect your home.

So, look past the Pundit labels. Look past the snarky interviews. Look past Trump’s own New Yorker lingo because what you’re seeing is a man who has put his entire life and work on the line… for you.

Because America? You Matter.

So, the next time you hear a bunch of propaganda from some media sycophants calling The Donald  “thin-skinned” remember that Trump is what the majority of people call a Leader.

Trump is BEING Presidential, not acting.

 The accusations leveled at Trump include the idea that he doesn't act presidential. 

Let's understand, first, that Acting Presidential is a modern idea born as a fruit of Political Correctness. The world must be gently fed to the populace in something resembling a smooth, flavorless baby-food formula, lest some poor soul get offended. 
But let's look back at another decade and see another president.
In 1912, the Democrats were the Republicans and the Republicans were the Democrats. At least, that’s what Democrats will tell you if you gently point out that Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan.

If there was a change, then when was it? It really goes back to Teddy Roosevelt and the invention of a 3rd party called the Bull Moose Party. Some call it the First Progressive party but whatever you call it, a Republican started it. You can find out more about that here. Teddy Roosevelt, however, wouldn’t fit the somewhat delicate image of today’s progressive. He loved the outdoors and was a big game hunter.

Teddy also founded a hunting and conservation club called the Boone and Crockett Club, which is still in operation. He loved the American west and was, really, more like a Bull Moose in a china shop than a polished professional. Teddy Roosevelt was soldier, a politician, a family man, an author, a governor and the 26th President. By all accounts Teddy was a lovable,  “diamond in rough” sort of guy. He liked being in the thick of things. 

In 1898, Teddy, resigned a cushy job as Assistant Secretary of the Navy to head a cavalry unit to fight in Cuba against Spain in the Spanish American War. The cavalry unit had 1060 soldiers and 1258 horses. The members were composed of prospectors, cowboys, gamblers, hunters, college kids and Native Americans. They were known as Roosevelt’s Rough Riders. I can’t imagine that politically correct language was a leading identifier of the unit. [she says dryly]
A presidential person who doesn't "act like" a president is a ghastly sin to some people. I suspect they forget our modern culture has been shaped by scripted individuals on the silver screen who really ARE "acting like a president." With that in mind, it's easy to understand how BEING presidential isn't perceived as the same thing as acting.

A leader leads. They don't ACT like leading. They are out in front. They accomplish things. They develop ideas. They speak in a manner than gets their message heard even if the message isn't pretty. And they aren't sugar-coated pablum.  

By the way, Teddy Roosevelt used language quite well when he wished. Some of his words and ideas still apply to our world today.

When it comes to Donald Trump's critics, I would remind them of this...

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” April 23, 1910 - Sorbonne, Paris

Trump Knows You Can’t Buy Loyalty.

Most of Donald Trump’s fans started out as Republican loyalists and faithful Fox News followers. At least, until the Grand Old Party games started. It soon became clear that Trump was the Donkey and everyone was taking shots at pinning the “tale” on him. Attacking Donald Trump didn’t go as planned, however, and, instead of walking away from The Donald, his supporters walked away from John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Rick Perry, the GOP, Fox, and, even America’s Sweetheart, Ms. Megyn Kelly.

People have been amazed that Trump’s numbers rose after making a comment about McCain, a war hero. If you’re engaged in the mania for bashing Trump’s supporters, John McCain calling Trump’s fans “crazies” seemed perfectly fine. It seemed like a logical statement. 

Trump didn’t agree and the fur flew. Pundits smirked and declared he’d messed up BIG TIME.

But they were wrong.

Instead of being mad at Trump for attacking a POW, people extrapolated the reality and they clearly saw Trump defending himself and, by extension, his innocent supporters. Trump didn’t cave. He didn’t bow to political correct politeness. He didn’t let that War Hero status intimidate him. Trump attacked. He attacked because what McCain said about perfectly fine Americans was flat wrong. There was no excuse for McCain's slur.  

Trump’s numbers rose because the American people had collectively realized that, finally, someone had their back. Trump went after the guy that attacked them. Outside of the military, who does that? Nobody! It was amazing and the people were honored! Particularly Veterans who can’t get decent services, especially medical care. Yet, McCain has been a member of the Armed Services Committee for many years. Trump didn't much care for the way that tasted. 

Trump’s actions spoke MUCH louder than his words. His actions SHOUTED because he went to bat for the people. The people responded and became loyal Trump fans. You can’t buy that no matter how many donations you get.

It was a great feeling to know a guy with a lot of power would do that for regular folks. Politically, Trump risked everything. It could have all crashed like the pundits predicted. He risked that for a bunch of "crazies."

What Trump did was show the watching world that he believed in himself and he believed what he was saying. He is the ONLY guy in years to risk everything just to go to bat for simple, everyday Americans. He said he could make America great again and he was willing to fight the first guy that said otherwise. He risked everything. He risked looking like a fool and for a man like The Donald, that's a big deal.

So, when he laid it all on the line, America realized that this audacious, pushy, pugnacious, cocky man would stand up to ANYONE for this country. For them! For once, they actually mattered to someone at the top of the food chain. 

Plus, he is the ONLY candidate to put his money where is mouth is. That means a lot.
The rise of Bernie Sanders along side of Trump illustrates that both parties are sick of their entrenched and blind leadership. We want someone fresh and innovative. On this Democrats and Republicans agree: No more dynasties. Not another Clinton and not another Bush.

For far too long, it’s felt like it was Us against Them. It’s felt like no one was listening as "they" sought to run the world into the ground. The only voices allowed were the ones media let through and those voices had to fit an agenda.

The pundits think Trumpkins are furious people and, to a degree, they’re right. Yet, the bigger reason is that is Trump listened when no one else did and, then, Trump stood up for us.

America is completely aware that he’s considered bombastic by the “experts” but the experts don’t see what we see.

Whoever he has been in his past doesn’t matter any more. Life is not stagnate. Everything grows or it dies. Trump may have been a truly repugnant youth, funded Democrats, or changed his views but who he is TODAY is what matters. We also know that a person’s actions speak louder than words. We’ve learned that very well in the last 7 years. We know that the kindest souls can hide behind a surly scowl and that the smoothest speaker can hide a depraved mind.

Donald Trump stood up for America when he called out John McCain. Sure, it looked off hand and ill-considered as it played out on TV but his fans knew otherwise. Trump spends time loading his brain with information and strategy. It might look off hand. But it's not. The guy is smart.

So, the man who can buy almost anything couldn't buy a shred of our loyalty but he certainly earned it. The Establishment GOP and Democrats have tried wheedling, attacking, insulting, lying, and smearing but no matter how hard they try, THEY will never buy our loyalty and they will never buy us. Not anymore. 

Unlike the GOP,  Democrats, "good journalists" and pundits, Donald Trump, standing alone and enduring vitriolic attacks from all sides, appears to know that America is not for sale.